Residential Services

RehabCare’s Residential Services provide high levels of support for individuals enabling them to live within their communities as independently as possible whilst increasing skills and community participation.

While each residential service has a unique offering based on residents’ needs, RehabCare continues to offer a range of flexible services nationally. For example, for some service users, RehabCare and Newgrove Housing Association provide a stable, consistent, and high-quality accommodation service for as long as they wish to avail of the service. In other instances, individuals choose to have a tailored package of support, where they will transition to lower support services, or independent living arrangements, over time.

From the moment a person arrives in our care, we place them at the heart of RehabCare, empowering them to grow and reach their full potential and to live lives of their choosing in a safe and secure environment.

People in our residential services achieve their optimal quality of life by being supported to make and exercise their own decisions to fulfil their potential. This helps people in our residential services achieve their optimal quality of life and are supported to make their own decisions and exercise choices to reach their full potential and individual aspirations. 

These services operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are specialist in nature.

The Rehab Group is a registered provider with HIQA.

In 2013 The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) published National Standards for residential services for children and adults with disabilities. These Standards outline to providers, like Rehab Group, what we must do to ensure safe and effective care for people living in or using residential and respite services. Since November 2013, all designated centres for people with disabilities, both children and adults, including RehabCare’s Residential, Respite and the majority of supported accommodation services, must be registered with HIQA’s Chief Inspector. In addition, HIQA monitor and inspect designated centres regularly to ensure they maintain a high level of care and support.

The National Standards focus on the outcomes for the adults and children receiving services. They state that children and adults who live in residential services should enjoy a good quality of life and live in a place that feels like their home. The Standards are grouped under eight key themes and cover several areas, including respecting service users’ autonomy, privacy and dignity and promoting their rights. They also aim to ensure the facilitation of choice and safeguard and protect service users from abuse.

All of our HIQA inspection reports can be seen at

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